I´m in full fledged love with Antigua...after all the build up of this trip and all of the unknowns coming into it, it´s really crazy that I have only 3 weeks left here because the city is actually feeling like home now and with all it´s nooks and crannies, there is so much to see and do. A few pics from around town...

The church in the central park...and the full moon,
an indication of crazy kids the next morning (a.k.a. ¨a moon day¨)

Mi casa

A beautiful juxtapose during a neighborhood fair across the street from my house

The Chicken Bus...Guatemala´s form of public transportation...Recycled U.S. school buses painted wildly and infamous for traffic accidents on windy potholed roads and for never failing to leave a trail of thick black exhaust in your face!

The sidewalks of Antigua

¨The Hole in the Wall¨...a special little place that is both a family´s cozy garage and a cheap, good-eats restaurant that we patronize every Sunday night
Typical meal from the Hole in the Wall ...a delicious tostada con frijoles, guacamole, cilantro, onions, queso, y picante spice, and arroz con leche (rice milk)... all for 8 Quetzals, which is equivalent to about $1!!
At the Earth Lodge, a little hostal on an avocado farm that sits up on a mountain overlooking Antigua... a relaxing weekend getaway with hippie owners where we ate lots of food family-style, listened to music, played with the adorable lab and husky dogs, layed in hammocks, drank wine and read travel books all weekend!
Me, swinging on a rope swing at Earth Lodge

my friends enjoyed a good laugh
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